Lucknow, 31 August : ‘Odyssey International-2024’, a 4-day International Literary Festival organized by City Montessori School, Rajajipuram Campus I was inaugurated today in a grand fashion amidst scintillating educational-cultural items at CMS Kanpur Road auditorium. Chief Guest, Shri Manoj Kumar Singh, Chief Secretary, UP, ceremonially inaugurated the festival by lighting the lamp of learning. Addressing the gathering on this occasion, Shri Singh called upon the students to realize the importance of English language which has acquired a global status and is universally recognized as the undisputed language of communication, taking us speedily towards a World Civilization which will bind the human race together. In view of its immense use and applicability, parents all over the world should teach their children their own mother tongue as well as the global language, English. It is worth mentioning here that ‘Odyssey International-2024’ is being organized from 31st August to 3rd September at CMS Kanpur Road auditorium, wherein around 500 students and experts from the USA, UK, Russia, Nepal, Sri Lanka and various states of India are participating.

            At the inaugural ceremony, CMS students enchanted the audience with educational and cultural programs featuring Indian folk songs, while participating students from different countries won hearts by introducing themselves in a warm and unique manner. On this occasion, while welcoming the participating students and team leaders from India and abroad, CMS Manager Prof. Geeta Gandhi Kingdon said that CMS has been committed to world unity and world peace since its inception, and this festival is another step in these efforts. She expressed confidence that this international festival will enrich the younger generation intellectually and play a significant role in the creation of a society full of unity and peace. The Convener of ‘Odyssey International-2024’ and Senior Principal of CMS Rajajipuram Campus I, Mrs. Nisha Pandey, stated that ‘Odyssey’ is a quest, a journey through which we are attempting to discover and bring out the hidden talents of the students


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