were honoured with certificates, medals, shields, and mementos.The convenor of Macfair International-2024 and Principal of CMS Mahanagar Campus, Dr. (Mrs.) Kalpana Tripathi, said that in today’s modern era, the significance of computers, science, and mathematics has greatly increased. Hence, it is essential for all students to master these subjects. That is the reason why CMS organizes such international festivals from time to time to enhance students’ intellectual knowledge while also strengthening the spirit of world unity.

CMS Head of Communications, Mr. Rishi Khanna, informed that this four-day international science festival saw the participation of around 500 students from 67 renowned schools across Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and various states of India. Students displayed their talents in science, mathematics, and computer science through exciting competitions like debates, maths quizzes, science quizzes, character speak, science model displays, teaching modules, group discussions, science olympiads, fiction writing, drama, and more. Mr. Khanna stated that although this international festival concluded today, the torch of unity lit by CMS through this event will undoubtedly spread its light across the world.             


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